In an analysis of service user referrals received by the Clareville Centre we issues of social interaction and mental stimulation were identified as primary reasons for the referral. The Socrates Café provided a structure for meaningful conversation and reflection that both stimulated and created understanding among participants. It brought people together from different backgrounds and life situations and with varying capabilities. Learning occurred in a convivial environment that allowed the participants to get to know each other and to break down barriers and stereotypes. It affirmed people’s life experiences and opened up it to the wider community and society.
A Socrates Café can be an important by providing an opportunity for older people to be connected to their peers and other age and social groups in their community. Crucially, it supports the agency of older people by giving them the means for their own social inclusion. It achieves this by offering a developmental learning opportunity that goes beyond entertainment and traditional activities that may be designed to ‘pass the time’.
We now wish to extend the concept of the Socrates Cafe to a number of other day care centres and, going forward, to other day centres in Dublin and nationally. In order to provide this service we will need to train facilitators, create a suite of material to assist in the setting up of the Cafes, establish a library of resources, books, papers and audio aids, to assist the new facilitators in the establishment of the Cafes. This will include the development of a website that facilitators can log into for support and information and discuss ideas and issues The final element will be the production of a tool kit which can be distributed to all other day centres, nationally, providing them with a resource to embed the process and achieve the benefits in their centres.
Projected Benefits
The Socrates Café is flexible and inclusive in facilitating a wide range of older adults with varying capacities and disabilities. People can participate in various ways through listening or talking and everyone’s contribution is valued; in particular:
- People who have limited social and family circles or limited mobility will have an opportunity to get to know others in a day, social or community centre.
- Facilitation of understanding, empathy and friendship.
- Provision of mental and emotional stimulation.
- Promotion of peer learning and lifelong learning.
- Encouraging older adults to volunteer as facilitators.
- Breaking down barriers between staff and service users and helping to reduce stereotyping.
- Linking older adults who are lonely or socially isolated with neighbours and wider community networks.
This initiative provides training tools for existing staff and volunteers that will have multiplier effects .It encourages older people themselves to be both learners and teachers – in this way it will expand the pool of older volunteers.
How will the initiative integrate with other agencies and organisations?
The Socrates Café model creates an information and knowledge forum that allows other community events, services and initiatives to be communicated.
It can attract ‘hard to reach’ groups such as men, older people who value their ‘independence’ and older people who are not attracted by the ‘traditional ‘offerings of a Day centre.
The Socrates Café in Clareville created spin-offs including participation in a local History project and the formation of a choir for Christmas.
The Socrates Café provides opportunity for inter-generational contact and learning with local schools and colleges
It provides an opportunity for links between Day Centres, Active Retirement groups, nursing homes and clubs within the community.
The Socrates Café is also a great way of introducing clients to the day centres where they might have been reluctant to go. The benefits to the older person when they get a sense of belonging, meaningfulness and inclusion helps them to maintain their independence and remain living in their own homes for longer and out of long term care/ hospital.
Participation in the Café is a key element of the integration placements in the Clareville Centre for students from TU Grangegorman and other third level institutions and also with transition year placements from second level institutions.